


1. Roll call of Officers.

2. Reading of minutes of last meeting and Treasurer’s report.

3. Report of Officers and Committees.

4. Introduction of New Members.

5. Communication, bills and actions thereon.

6. Unfinished business.

7. New business.

8. Good of the Association or Branch.

9. Adjournment.



The regular meetings of Branch #463 shall be held upon notice of the Secretary in March, June, September and December of each year. The Executive Board may for sufficient cause change the time and place of the next meeting, BUT MUST NOTIFY MEMBERS IN SUFFICIENT TIME. The President is required to call a special meeting upon the request of ten members in good standing or by vote of the Branch at a previous meeting. The Secretary shall notify the members of such meeting in time to so they may attend. If possible, at least two weeks notice shall be given.



Roberts Rules of Order shall be observed in all meetings of this Branch except as herein provided.



A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting.

An Auditing Committee, appointed by the President shall make a report of the financial activities of the Branch after the last meeting of the year and at such other time as may be prescribed.

A Resolution Committee appointed by the President shall prepare suggested resolutions for the action of the Branch sufficiently in advance of each convention to permit approval of action to be taken and submission to the convention by prescribed time.

The President shall appoint a Legal Committee consisting of one member from the Executive Board and two members from the Branch. Claims that have been submitted in writing to the President will be given to the Legal committee and they will have seven days to review the case and make a recommendation to the Executive Board concerning funding of the claim by the Legal Fund.

The President may appoint such other Committees as may be deemed advisable.


The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of this Branch provided that all members have been notified in writing that such amendments are to be considered.